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Skeletons.  brother

Relationship :single . Bffs : zombie. and. Zombie girl. Main role enemy :And the older brother of skeleton : weapon of choice crossbow.

Skeletons brother is one of the enemies in dark deception fan game he's able to stun anybody that messes with him or gets close to him and has a brother but doesn't get along with him also replace which zombie for a better monster at this point in time Skeletons brother doesn't know what he's doing but sometimes he could be aggressive and he also trap his own brother inside of a glass window as the same time he got attacked



Relationship : taken by zombie girl. : role husband and father and enemy :cousin Which zombie :bffs. Skeletons brother. ice wolf and Boss aka Steve : weapon of choice none but kills you with his hands

Zombie is the husband of zombie girl and they are married and also have a child his has strength is able to kill the player instantly because how strong he is And zombie has a cousin name which zombie who is currently replace with skeletons brother But he doesn't know he has a cousin because he is infected sometimes he has a rough time figuring out things on his own but he's broken in the inside but when it comes to the outside of him he just thinks that he doesn't deserve to live


Zombie girl 

Relationship : taken by zombie : role Guardian protector helper wife :bffs. Which zombie. ice wolf. and Wolfie also Cr and the player / weapon of choice none but she has secret powers that no one knows and it was a gift from her best friend

Zombie girl has been living her life saving others and is really a kind person and currently misses her best friend that was replaced with skeleton's brother she misses him so much and she can't stop thinking about him you and zombie girl has explore the entire place finding secrets and clues and with her help helping you escape she currently loves zombie and she cares about her son as well and has a strong connection with zombie and won't leave him 


Which zombie

Relationship : ??? . Bffs : Zombie girl. and Cr also ice wolf and Wolfie cousin. zombie.  Main role not present but mentioned :And : weapon of choice. Throws potions at monsters and events them

After a year which zombie was replaced with skeleton's older brother however he is mentioned a lot which zombie and zombie girl spend time together almost like every single day but one day Mr.Fox took him away to replace him with a better monster because he was the right choice to be replaced and because he wasn't good enough but he isn't dead he's just locked in Mr Fox security camera room but he thinks about zombie girl a lot and cares about her he's also mentioned in the Cr notes where you can find them in the game around the map



Relationship : Ar : Bffs : Zombie girl. Which zombie  Steve and ice wolf and Wolfie  Main role not present but mentioned :And : weapon of choice. None

Cr is one of the first people to enter inside of the demon dimension because she had the same condition as the player she was stuck and she didn't know what to do not until someone decided to help her a person named zombie girl she decides to help Cr also Cr is one of the people who writes the notes about which zombie. After he went missing. and was good friends with Steve she also has a husband named AR but doesn't appear in the game at all



Relationship : ??? . Bffs :Cr and mr. fox  and  Zombie also Skeletons brother role antagonist. / main villain :And : he's able to hack computers and go through the monitors and he also brainwashes people

Steve is the main antagonist of dark deception fan game and apparently he's able to hack anything and teleport anywhere he wants or what he desires Steve is also known as the fastest monster in the universe and is able to create portals as well and has a strong dislike towards the Villager and wants to kill him his failed experiment was the husk but became friendly instead of turning evil and he was good friends with CR not until she left him and became the monster that he is


Ice wolf

Relationship : taken by wolfie :childhood friend Aurora the snake : role not present but mentioned :bffs. Zook the black panther /bodyguard Which zombie. and Zombie also Zombie girl. Cr and the player / weapon of choice sword :he a mama's boy

Ice wolf is wolfie's boyfriend and husband and ice wolf had a rough childhood because his dad decided to put him up for adoption because he didn't match the same fur color as his's dad and ice wolf ran off back to his home and he saw his mother dead and he called the police on his dad and ice wolf was piss off at his dad and he hates him for what he did to his mother then after that he met Wolfie and they became very close more like boyfriends and after a year of losing his mother he Met Zook the Black Panther in a party and then they became very good friends and ice wolf grew up with Aurora the snake and they still know each other to this day


Cupid Hartford

Crash : zombie girl : role not present but mentioned sister: Aurora the snake :bffs Which zombie and Cr also Steve / weapon of choice crossbow and love potion :

Cupid Hartford is zombie girl's ex boyfriend and he still has a crush on her even though she doesn't like him anymore and he was sent by the God's during Valentine's Day and for him to get his ex girlfriend back want's to kill zombie. He is broken he needs someone like zombie girl and he's only doing his job and his mind was corrupted by Steve for him to get his girlfriend back and of course will kill zombie on the spotlight and of course his good old friend Aurora the snake AKA his sister but doesn't know he has a sister she Styles his hair in the same way she has so they have matching hairstyles this wasn't on  purpose she just want them to be twinning more like a brother and sister Bond


Aurora the snake

Relationship : zero the snake :childhood friend ice wolf : role not present but mentioned :bffs. Zook the black panther Which zombie also wolfie and Zombie girl also Cr /weapon of choice uses her watch on her arm to turn people into stone instead of her eyes

Aurora the snake is ice wolf's childhood friend they used to live next door to each other they also used to go to the same school together but since she left his  school and she met a boy named Zero and fell in love with him but then he died due to a car accident and she started painting pictures of him because of how in love she was with him and when she draws him it makes her calm and her hair can change into different colors depending on what she is feeling and she has a long lost brother named Cupid but she doesn't know she has a brother due to their separation from each other



Relationship : taken by ice wolf : role not present but mentioned :bffs. Zook the black panther Which zombie. and Zombie also Zombie girl. Cr and Aurora the snake : weapon of choice ??? He's a mama's boy

 Wolfie is a nice caring young man. and Ever since Wolfie started school he was being bullied because the bullies thought he had money then a nice young man came and got them kicked out of school then wolfie caught feelings for him after that they became good friends and more than that as the story progresses and lost he lost his mother but his dad was put in jail for killing her and then after that his husband ice wolf stood by his side all the time no matter what happens 



Relationship owner : Fun Jacob : role ??? :bffs. ice wolf. and Wolfie  / weapon of choice controls the weather and turns invisible also when he's angry he gets stripes on his arms

After losing his owner in a park he got separated and with another person and took him but then killed them because he did like what they did to him by putting him in a machine making him up to the monster he is also he never found his original owner or knew where he live at he was once a normal cat in his universe he was created for loving and caring also in his universe he never really had a name or what he was named...


Lucy files

Crash : husk zombie : role present  sister: Ava :bffs Which zombie and Cr zombie girl  / weapon of choice throws potions and able to restore health :

Lucy files always wanted to work as a nurse for a long time but she kept getting rejected because people thought she wasn't good enough for the job's but one day she finally got the job by the Villager in his Ballroom he showed her where it was not until she saw a monster named Jaco or husk for short but there was a open spot in the Ballroom that is where it's located and so Lucy files took the job and also she's the older sister of Ava and left the house so she can do her job like she's supposed to she also didn't get to spend time with her Uncle as a child because he was too busy doing things and didn't have time for her......


Kitty pop star

Relationship brother: baby kitty and mom : role not present :bffs. Zook the black panther Jacob and wolfie and Zombie girl also ice wolf /weapon of choice turns into a big monster cat

Kitty pop star is a famous singer also his two brothers and she's the order sister she's has been in movie's even on live tv and She is friends with baby kitty's girlfriend also she tries spending time with her brother but she has a lot of performances and music to work on her outfit was designed by Ice Wolf it was a gift gifted on her birthday that's how they became close friends she's also very rich and has her own movie Studio she's also allowed to go anywhere where she wants because how famous she is


ginger Quinn 

Relationship: baby kitty and daughter : role not present :bffs Zook the black panther Jacob and wolfie and Zombie girl also ice wolf /weapon of choice royalty and everyone listens to her

she is the Quinn of gingerbread land

and her adopted daughter kitty pop star kitty pop star didn't like her new mom but she did like her mom reading story's to her she also like's to spend time with her kids but one day she had important business to do in her kingdom also she created Shadow Kitty for her son to defend himself every time he gets mad but she decided to separate them to instead


Frostbite zombie

Relationship : taken by zombie girl. : role husband and father and enemy :cousin Which zombie :bffs. Skeletons brother. ice wolf and Boss aka Steve : weapon of choice has ice powers and ice sword

Frostbite zombie is a powerful version of zombies side he only turns into this forum when he drinks a Frost potion a gift by his cousin and ice wolf he also is able to control water around him and turn it into solid also while he's in this form he's obsessed with zombie girl and he can't control himself from it


Zach the dog 

Relationship : ice wolf aka master : role not present :bffs. Zook the black panther Which zombie. and Zombie also Zombie girl. Cr and Aurora the snake : weapon of choice he has strong hands 

Zach the dog is a robot built by ice wolf and ice wolf decided to create him is because he was lonely and Zach the dog has a special place in ice wolf's heart and he cares about his master ice wolf also he's a water proof robot.


Heartbreak ice wolf

Relationship : none : role not present but mentioned :bffs. Zook the black Which zombie and Zombie also Aurora the snake / weapon of choice gun :he a mama's boy

Heartbreak ice wolf is a another version of ice wolf but he's a police officer and he takes his job seriously and he also flirts with other man and he can make anyone fall in love with him just by using a love book a gift given by Which zombie 


Brook Stein

Relationship : herself : role not present :bffs. wolfie and Zombie girl also ice wolf /weapon of choice uses her electricity from her hands

Brook is half zombie and Frankenstein she is zombies son auntie also she hates everyone around her except for her friend's but usually she doesn't get along with them so she usually likes to be alone she's not in a mood for no relationship either she just likes herself she loves goth clothing she got this from her mother 

All Characters : Team
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